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Say YES to Jesus!

Thank you so much for joining with us at Arise online today. We truly believe that the God of heaven and earth loves you more than you'll ever know. He loves you so much that He sent His son Jesus to earth to show us that we don’t have to live life separate from God anymore. You see we have all done stuff, we have all messed up and done things that don’t match up to the life we were created to live, the bible calls that stuff sin, and that sin separates us from God. The good news is that God made a way for us to not be separated from him any longer and that was by sending his son Jesus. 2000 years ago Jesus died on a cross so that all the stuff that separates us from God could be done away with, what an amazing gift, but like any great gift we need to accept it. So, we don’t want you to leave today without giving you the opportunity to say yes to Jesus and accepting this great gift of being back in connection with God. I am going to pray a simple prayer and if you want to say yes to Jesus today then just pray this prayer below:


Dear God, thank you for making a way for me to be reconnected with you. I’m sorry for the sin in my life that has separated me from you, thank you Jesus for dying on the cross and sorting out my sin. Today, I want to say yes to you and make you King of my Heart and Lord of my life. Thank you for giving me a brand new start. Amen.


If you have said that prayer you have just made the best decision of your life and we would love to help you on your journey of faith in Jesus. So, if you fill out the online form below and one of our team will be in touch with you.


God bless you, have a fantastic day, catch you soon at Arise Online

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